This post is gonna be a looong one! Pull up a nice comfortable chair and get ready for this nice, big juicy photo blog post!

My cousin Beccah just got engaged to Rollin and we are all so happy for them! I was even more excited when Bec asked me to be her wedding photographer! Woo-hoo! I now have two 2008 weddings! 🙂

Anyway, Bec asked me if I might be able to take a few engagement pictures of her and Rollin sometime soon. It turned out I was going to be in town over the weekend shooting my second of two weddings with the super-talented Matthew Tennison, so I told Bec that we should get together on Sunday. I asked if they would mind driving all around downtown Lancaster to find some cool spots, textures and fun urban areas to shoot. Luckily, everything just came together and fell into place and I shot some of my most favorite shots of all time. It certainly helps that Bec and Rollin are both ridiculously good-looking and crazy in love.

Bec & Rollin – thanks for being such good sports and putting up with all my crazy suggestions. I’m hoping you’ll like these as much as I do!! Enjoy! (I am soo excited about this post – can you tell???)

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