Julie’s Maternity and Newborn Portraits

One of the greatest rewards I experience as a wedding and family photographer is the privilege of getting to know my clients over a number of years. Often I will meet them soon after their engagement, then I’m lucky enough to photograph their wedding, and often a few years later I get a call as they are about to become parents, and soon after, meet their beautiful newborn. It is such a gift to be able to forever record these milestones for my clients as they begin their family.

One of my all-time favorite clients (who I am now lucky enough to call good friends) are Julie and Rafael. If you have been following the blog for a few years, you may remember them from their wedding in October of 2009. I was so excited for Julie and Rafael when they announced they were going to have a baby, and couldn’t wait for the opportunity to photograph them for their maternity session.

Then just NINE days later, Adrian was born! Adrian was a teeny-tiny one-week-old newborn when I first met him. Is he the most beautiful baby you have ever seen?? 

This is the kind of photograph (on the left) that is not easy to accomplish. You can only get this kind of a photograph with a very young, very soundly-sleeping newborn – under 10 days old. Adrian was out cold for the entire session, and he was an absolute DREAM to work with!

Adrian was so good – he let us put him in these crazy positions, we put silly hats on him, bundled and swaddled him, and he let out nothing more than what sounded like a kitten’s whimper. Best. Baby. Ever.

And still, he slept so soundly:

Thanks Julie and Rafael – love you guys! 🙂 Give Baby Adwian a kiss from all of us!

2 Comments On This Topic
  1. music photography
    11 years ago

    WOW amazing photographs of the new born baby.Cute little angel

  2. Kellie Sims
    11 years ago

    These are awesome photos. I think I remember this couple from their Tappan Hill photos.