It felt like it never stopped snowing over the holiday weekend. Round the clock shoveling and dusting off the cars. By monday night, I finally embraced it and saw it for what it was – beautiful! My camera and I took a stroll after the flakes had stopped falling, and I used the moonlight and the streetlights to record mother nature’s beauty.

All photos shot without a tripod, without a flash, using only available light. Canon 5D, ISO 3200, 50mm f/1.4 lens and 85mm f/1.8 lens, wide open, 1/30 to 1/320. Luckily none of my neighbors called the cops on the weird girl crouched in their yard at 10pm taking pictures of their trees and fences. 😉

4 Comments On This Topic
  1. ~* Emily *~
    16 years ago

    I LOVE these photos. These are some of my favorites since you started your site. The natural lighting makes me feel like I’m actually there. Brilliant!

  2. Anonymous
    16 years ago


    The next to the last shot is magnificent! You’re compelled to keep looking to note all the details. The blue backlit night sky, the multitude of snow covered branches, the 4 sets of utility lines, etc. etc. Exceptional!


  3. Kristin
    16 years ago

    My favorites are the first one, the one with the American flag — gorgeous!! — and the one with the blue sky (Peepa’s favorite, too). They make me wanna like the snow!

  4. I. M. Bitter
    16 years ago

    Wow! I love these Kelly! I especially love those gorgeous pine trees with the drooping snow covered twigs!

    Oh and the black and white bare branches!! WOW!